Privacy policy
Mokrška ulica 16C
1000 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 41 688 998
Our website address is:
What personal data we collect and why we collect it Contact Forms When visitors fill out and submit the contact form on our website, we collect the personal information they provide, including their name, email address, and any other information they choose to include in their message. We use this information solely for the purpose of responding to their inquiry and providing the requested information.
Cookies When visitors leave a comment on our site, they may opt-in to saving their name, email address, and website in cookies. These cookies are for the visitors’ convenience so that they do not have to fill in their details again when they leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.
Embedded Content from Other Websites Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.) from other websites. Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.
These websites may collect data about visitors, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor visitors’ interactions with that embedded content, including tracking their interactions with the embedded content if they have an account and are logged in to that website.
Analytics We use Google Analytics to track and analyze website traffic. This helps us understand how visitors interact with our website and improve the user experience. Google Analytics collects information such as the visitor’s IP address, browser type, and other similar data. This information is used only for the purpose of evaluating website traffic and trends.
Who we share your data with We do not share your personal data with third parties unless required by law.
How long we retain your data If you submit a message via our contact form, we retain your personal information for as long as necessary to respond to your inquiry and provide the requested information.
What rights you have over your data If you have submitted a message via our contact form, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.
Where we send your data Visitor messages sent via the contact form may be checked through an automated spam detection service.
Your contact information If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or the use of your personal information, please contact us at
Additional information We take the security and protection of your personal data seriously and have appropriate measures in place to safeguard against unauthorized access, loss, or theft of personal information.
What data breach procedures we have in place In the event of a data breach, we will promptly investigate the incident, notify any affected individuals as required by law, and take appropriate steps to mitigate any harm caused by the breach.
What third parties we receive data from We do not receive personal data from third parties.
What automated decision making and/or profiling we do with user data We do not engage in any automated decision making or profiling with user data.
Industry regulatory disclosure requirements We comply with all applicable data protection and privacy laws, regulations, and standards.
This Privacy Policy describes how EJET d.o.o. (“we”, “us”, “our”) collect, hold and use your personal information in connection with the EJET and the Website (“the Website”). This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with, the Terms and Conditions for the Website and any other terms and conditions you agree to when using or signing up for any of our services or activities.
Information We Collect
When you visit our website, we may collect personal information such as your name, email address, and phone number if you choose to provide it to us through our contact form. We may also collect non-personal information, such as your IP address, browser type, and operating system, to help us understand how our website is being used and improve your user experience.
We use cookies to provide you with a better experience on our website. Cookies are small files that are placed on your device when you visit a website. They help us remember your preferences, understand how you use our website, and improve your overall experience.
You can disable cookies through your browser settings, but please note that some features of our website may not function properly without cookies.
How We Use Your Information
We use your personal information to respond to your inquiries and provide you with the information or services you have requested. We may also use your personal information to send you newsletters or marketing materials that we think may be of interest to you.
We will not sell, rent, or share your personal information with any third parties for their marketing purposes.
How We Protect Your Information
We take reasonable measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, and disclosure. We use secure servers and encryption technology to safeguard your personal information. However, please be aware that no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is completely secure.
Your Choices
If you no longer wish to receive newsletters or marketing materials from us, you can unsubscribe by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in the email.
You can also request to access, update, or delete your personal information by contacting us at [insert contact information].
Changes to This Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting the updated Privacy Policy on our website.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at [insert contact information].
This Privacy Policy was last updated on 18 December 2022.
Contact Details.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our treatment of the information you provide us, please contact us:
Mokrška ulica 16C
1000 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 41 688 998
How Does EJET Use Cookies?
Our website uses “cookies,” which are small data files that are stored on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies enable you to shop on our websites and may be used in a variety of ways to enhance or personalise your online browsing and shopping experience.
For example, we may use cookies to enable you to use certain website features, remember the items in your shopping cart, and store your preferences, recognise you when you return to our website, track your orders, and monitor and maintain information about your use of our website.
Cookies may also be used to collect transaction information needed by a scrip or loyalty program to which you have authorised us to provide your personal information.
You can set your browser to not accept cookies or to notify you when you are sent a cookie, giving you the opportunity to decide whether or not to accept it. If you do not accept cookies, however, you will not be able to access your account information or make purchases on our website.
Credit Card Information.
We use Windcave as our online payment gateway. As a result of this, EJET never receives your credit card details when you purchase from our website.
Access And Correction Of Information.
In all circumstances we will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we hold is accurate.
You have the right at any stage to ask for access to any personal information we hold about you and to ask for it to be updated or corrected. We will respond to any request from you to correct personal information held about you as soon as practicable following receipt of such request.
We ask you take measures to protect your own information by using suitable virus protection and always closing your browsers on completion of sessions (especially when using a public computer).
Please contact us immediately should you be concerned that someone has gained access to your personal information or we have breached our privacy obligations or your privacy rights. We are happy to discuss any issues with you.
Our website address is:
Kakšne osebne podatke zbiramo in zakaj jih zbiramo
Komentarji Ko obiskovalci puščajo komentarje na spletnem mestu, zbiramo podatke, prikazane v obrazcu za komentarje, ter tudi naslov IP obiskovalca in niz uporabniškega agenta brskalnika, da pomagamo pri odkrivanju neželene pošte.
Če imaš Gravatar račun, lahko naš sistem uporabi anonimizirano niz uporabniškega e-poštnega naslova (tudi imenovan hash) za preverjanje, ali ga uporabljaš. Pravilnik o zasebnosti storitve Gravatar je na voljo tukaj: Po odobritvi tvojega komentarja je tvoja slika profila vidna javnosti v kontekstu tvojega komentarja.
Če nalagaš slike na spletno mesto, se izogibaj nalaganju slik z vključenimi podatki o lokaciji (EXIF GPS). Obiskovalci spletnega mesta lahko prenesejo in izvlečejo katero koli lokacijsko podatke iz slik na spletnem mestu.
Kontaktni obrazci
Če pustiš komentar na naši spletni strani, lahko izbereš shranjevanje imena, e-poštnega naslova in spletnega mesta v piškotkih. To je za tvojo priročnost, tako da ti ni treba znova vnašati svojih podrobnosti, ko zapustiš še en komentar. Ti piškotki trajajo eno leto.
Če obiščeš našo stran za prijavo, bomo nastavili začasni piškotek, da ugotovimo, ali tvoj brskalnik sprejema piškotke. Ta piškotek ne vsebuje osebnih podatkov in se zavrže, ko zapreš brskalnik.
Ko se prijaviš, bomo tudi nastavili več piškotkov, da shranimo tvoje podatke za prijavo in tvoje izbire zaslonskih možnosti. Piškotki za prijavo trajajo dva dni, piškotki zaslonskih možnosti pa trajajo eno leto. Če izbereš “Zapomni si me”, se bo tvoja prijava ohranila dva tedna. Če se izpišeš iz svojega računa, bodo piškotki prijave odstranjeni.
S kom delimo vaše podatke
Ne delimo vaših osebnih podatkov s tretjimi osebami, razen če je to zahtevano z zakonom.
Kako dolgo hranimo vaše podatke
Če prek obrazca za stik oddate sporočilo, vaše osebne podatke hranimo tako dolgo, kot je potrebno za odgovor na vašo zahtevo in zagotovitev zahtevanih informacij.
Kakšne pravice imate nad svojimi podatki
Če ste prek obrazca za stik oddali sporočilo, lahko zahtevate izvoz datoteke osebnih podatkov, ki jih imamo o vas, vključno z vsemi podatki, ki ste nam jih posredovali. Prav tako lahko zahtevate izbris vseh osebnih podatkov, ki jih imamo o vas. To ne vključuje nobenih podatkov, ki jih smo dolžni hraniti zaradi administrativnih, zakonskih ali varnostnih namenov.
Kam pošiljamo vaše podatke
Sporočila obiskovalcev, poslana prek obrazca za stik, lahko preverimo prek avtomatiziranega storitve za odkrivanje nezaželene pošte.
Vaše kontaktne informacije
Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja ali skrbi glede naše politike zasebnosti ali uporabe vaših osebnih podatkov, nas lahko kontaktirate na
Dodatne informacije
Varnost in zaščita vaših osebnih podatkov sta nam zelo pomembni, zato smo sprejeli ustrezne ukrepe za zaščito pred nepooblaščenim dostopom, izgubo ali krajo osebnih podatkov.
Katere postopke imamo v primeru kršitve podatkov
V primeru kršitve podatkov bomo nemudoma preiskali incident, obvestili vse prizadete posameznike, kot je zahtevano z zakonom, in sprejeli ustrezne ukrepe za zmanjšanje morebitne škode, ki jo je povzročila kršitev.
S katerimi tretjimi osebami prejemamo podatke
Ne prejemamo osebnih podatkov od tretjih oseb.
Kakšno avtomatizirano odločanje in / ali profiliranje izvajamo z uporabniškimi podatki
Ne izvajamo nobenega avtomatiziranega odločanja ali profiliranja z uporabniškimi podatki.
Zahteve o razkritju regulative industrije
Spoštujemo vse veljavne zakone, predpise in standarde za varstvo podatkov in zasebnosti.